dangerousmeta!, the original new mexican miscellany, offering eclectic linkage since 1999.

Anecdote from the weekend.

Stopping at a small town stop-n-shop for a fillup, deep in the heart of Texas, I notice that the supplied washer basin smells terrible. 

I: Excuse me, but your washer fluid smells like something’s died in there.  It may need to be cleaned out.

Clerk: Nope, it’s fresh. Windex and cow piss. Cuts through bugs like nuthin’.

I: Aaauuuhmmmwhat? [pause, double-take] Sure that won’t eat into the paint?

Clerk: [glances at my vehicle] You’s one of them New Mexcans?

Given the current state of immigrant reform, I made a precipitate but polite exit.  It did “cut through bugs like nuthin’”, however.  Double ammonia, I’d say, given the funk.

Addition: A little further down the road, about a hundred miles (pocket change, in Texas distances).

07/21/06 • 04:03 PM • PersonalTravel • No Comments


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