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Times Online.UK:

“Researchers from Aberdeen, Bristol, Edinburgh and Glasgow universities discovered that high-IQ women saw marriage prospects fall dramatically, but men with high IQs had little trouble finding a mate. They found that for each 16-point rise in a woman’s IQ, her marriage prospects declined by 40%, but the man’s chances of marriage increased by 35% with each rise.”  Male egos tend to collapse when confronted by female intellectual strength.  Their loss.  I’d love to find out how James Carville and Mary Matalin manage to thrive in a house both divided and united in strength.  Once upon a time, argument could be an intellectual pursuit, rather than a means to hurt.  I figure they’re smart enough to know that.

10/12/07 • 06:58 PM • Home & LivingPoliticsPsychology • No Comments
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