dangerousmeta!, the original new mexican miscellany, offering eclectic linkage since 1999.

Damned little beetles.

I’ve got these little black buggers with white patches on their wings by the hundreds.  They swoop down on lilies, sunflowers, and other flowers, gathering near the center of the blossom, and start chomping.  You can hear them from a couple of feet away!  A lily that blooms in the morning will be a forlorn, drooping, sad little blossom by evening, covered in gobs of beetles.  Even worse, when flying around, if they land on you, they give a nasty bite.  I just tried spinosad on them, but they didn’t seem to be bothered.  I’ll wait and see what the result is in the morning.  If I see no change, then the next step will be copious amounts of godawful industrial-strength melt-your-fingernails and shrivel-your-testicles pesticide ... hate using that stuff.

07/28/08 • 11:30 PM • NaturePersonal • No Comments
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