dangerousmeta!, the original new mexican miscellany, offering eclectic linkage since 1999.


I know, I know. You’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not know today is Election Day in America. This is your last chance to make your voice heard.  Find your polling place, get there early, take a book, an mp3 player, a folding chair (if need be), and be prepared to stay until your vote is tallied.  Don’t do the ‘straight party’ vote button, select your candidates individually.  Double-check everything’s correct before hitting the final vote button.  Some places offer paper alternatives.  You might want to consider them.

If I may, I’d like to make a personal plea.  Do what you can to help the Democrats get a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.  Republicans, conservatives and neocons need to get their backsides kicked for the behavior of the last eight years.  Greedy, big-spending buffoons who turned their backs on their own stated philosophies.  Send them to the wilderness, so they can get in touch with their fiscal conservative roots again, their historical disdain for wasteful foreign entanglements.  If we leave them a minority that can filibuster, they’ll simply continue as a mean, backbiting element in our daily lives and not learn anything from the [likely] electoral Titanic they’re about to suffer.  If there’s anything you learn in politics, it is that a good opponent makes you better.  I’d like to see the Republicans return with ideas, not innuendo and insults.

Always remember, good people can have many different reasons for disagreeing with your political philosophy.  Spirited discussion and disagreement is normal ... differing political views show the strength of our democracy.  BUT ... at this point in time, everyone’s made up their minds.  Let them register their votes without being accosted ideologically.

Later in the day: CBS News, Fox News Gets Angry As Election Nears.  Evidence for my second paragraph, above.

11/04/08 • 02:40 PM • HistoryHuman RightsPolitics • No Comments


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