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The Economist:

Not quite right.  We aren’t as red as we seem to think.  Which underlines my own recent line of thought that it’s the character of the Democratic party that needs addressing.

02/14/05 • 02:35 PM • Politics • (5) Comments


G, what do you mean by character, and why are you using a Newt Gingrich word?

Posted by JD on 02/14/05 at 11:19 PM

How long have you read this weblog, JD, that you feel you need to ask this question?  I cede no grammar to Gingrich and his ilk.  The force of character is an important leg of the party stool.

Posted by garret on 02/14/05 at 11:45 PM

Well, that’s why I ask, G. I’ve been reading your stuff for awhile. I think I know what you mean to say, but by using the right-wing rhetoric, you’d allow the Republicans to continue to bring up trivial crap like Monica Lewinsky, Al Gore inventing the Internet, and the swift boat veterans. I prefer to use the terminology of the Democrats needing to have both balls and principles. Talking about character is too much like Bush talking about freedom all the time. Actually, it’s worse, because freedom means whatever Bush wants it to mean; it’s pretty much a rhetorical blank check. Character is way too culturally loaded.

Posted by JD on 02/15/05 at 12:03 AM

Saying I use a ‘Newt Gingrich word’ is a deep insult to me, I have to tell you.  Mr Gingrich’s twisting of the English language is something we’re still living with today ... using implication and innuendo to build straw men. Duelling pistols, at dawn!

All joking aside.

Avoiding terms just because the opposition spins them in a negative fashion, makes perfectly good words pariahs - Jonah words - for our ‘side.’

Do not play into their game, and voluntarily cede the terms of ethics and morality to the opposition in exclusivity.  The left can be proud of their party ethic, their appreciation of morality.  Where would civil rights be, without ‘character’-filled individuals?

“The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out.”

That is as good a measure of character as I’ve heard.  I use that as a personal measure, as well.  Next time someone comes at you with ‘character’ issues, use Tom DeLay as an example of the above statement.  Shuts them up immediately.

Posted by garret on 02/15/05 at 01:05 AM

Good point about civil rights and about DeLay (or just about anyone in the Christian right, take your pick). I just wish one Democrat would have the balls to call them on this hypocrisy.

Posted by JD on 02/15/05 at 04:02 PM


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