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Observer.UK: Scientists to classify gut bacteria to prevent the side-effects of radiotherapy.

There is 1.4kg of bacteria in the average human gut. That is roughly the same weight as the human brain. Indeed, you can think of your microbiome as an extra organ inside your body and its behaviour can have distinct consequences.

03/23/14 • 02:44 PM • HealthScience • (4) Comments


In your entire body, there are more “foreign” bacteria cells than cells of your body.  I suspect we need to reconsider what “you” means in light of this.  We are outnumbered to begin with.

Posted by Eric in Santa Fe on 03/24/14 at 03:39 PM

I love the weight comparison. That’s a lot of gut bugs.

Posted by Garret P Vreeland on 03/24/14 at 05:23 PM

I think the comparison is by count, and not by weight.  A lot of human cells are quite large in comparison to the typical bacteria.  It also includes a lot that live on your skin and inside your respiratory tract.

Posted by Eric in Santa Fe on 03/24/14 at 05:27 PM

I was referencing my pullquote.

Posted by Garret P Vreeland on 03/24/14 at 06:17 PM


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