dangerousmeta!, the original new mexican miscellany, offering eclectic linkage since 1999.

Gripe. Minor annoyance.

What is it with mini-USB plugs being used narrow side up? Or is it me? I’m used to the wider section of plugs always being on top ... I still haven’t gotten used to it. Kindle was the first device I ran across doing this. Now my iPad keyboard.


12/16/14 • 06:02 PM • ComputingPersonal • (4) Comments


And it changes based on generation. My Nexus 4 phone? Upside down. Nexus 5? Right side up. Tablet? Right side up. Bluetooth speaker? Upside down…

Posted by Curtis on 12/16/14 at 08:48 PM

So it’s not just me.  THANKS.

Posted by Garret P Vreeland on 12/16/14 at 10:39 PM

Definitely not. My first USB devices were all “upside down”, it’s only in the last year or two I’ve noticed a shift to right-side up. My early micro USB cables I used to color the “this side up” part of the plug with a silver paint pen. Now I have to remember which side the paint goes for each device. Not the most major thing in the world but yet one more small annoyance that adds up.

Posted by Curtis on 12/16/14 at 11:18 PM

Then there is the problem that there are multiple tiny versions of the USB plugs. I hate digging out a cable just to find out that it is one of the other micro/mini USB plug styles…

Posted by Patrick on 12/17/14 at 11:31 AM


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